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Information from Toyokawa(豊川市からの情報)

1. ほいとも祭 2024
Hoitomo Festival 2024

On October 13 (Sun.), “Hoitomo Festival 2024” is held in front of Toyokawa station and in the shopping district around Toyokawa Inari. In the site of Toyokawa Inari etc., the following events are held (Adventure game of reading riddles, handmade goods market, sale of food and drink, workshops and so on).
On the street in front of Toyokawa station, sale of delicious food, agricultural products harvested in Toyokawa and processed products is held. In the open space of Toyokawa station east parking, fire engines and Self Defense Force’s vehicles etc. are exhibited. Please note that there will be traffic regulations from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm on the day around event venues.

Urban Development Division (Toshi Keikaku Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2147

2. 令和7年度児童クラブ入所申込の受付
Acceptance of application for Jido Club in 2025 school year

Application acceptance starts for admission to Jido Club in 2025 school year.
Service hours: Monday to Friday, from after school to 6:00 pm (If school is off, the service hours are from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.). The time can be extended until 7:00 pm depending on guardian’s work hours etc.
Day off: Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays in April and May, Obon Holiday and the Year-End and New Year holiday.
Eligibility: Child who goes to elementary school in Toyokawa and whose guardian is not at home to take care of the child during daytime due to work etc. (Excluding children who go to Ichinomiya Seibu, Mito Nanbu, Kozakai Higashi, and Kozakai Nishi Elementary School.).
Fee: 7,500 yen/month (13,000 yen in August). 1,000 yen will be added per month for the extended hours until 7:00 pm. There is reduction in case of admission with brothers and sisters.
Application: From November 6 to November 15 (Also on November 10 (Sun.), from 9:00 am to noon). Fill in the application form etc. and submit it to Child Rearing Support Division directly (Main Bldg. 1F). Application form etc. is available at Child Rearing Support Division and each Jido club (It can be downloaded from city website.).
Others: Child who is currently a member also needs to apply. There can be some change with service hours, day off, and fee etc. For children who are students of Ichinomiya Seibu, Mito Nanbu, Kozakai Higashi, and Kozakai Nishi Elementary School, please contact directly respective Jido Clubs which are managed by Guardian’s Association, Hogoshakai.

Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-95-0250

3. 市営住宅入居者募集
Application for municipal housing, Shiei Jutaku

Date for move-in: January 1 (Wed.) 2025
Eligibility: Persons who fulfill the following conditions.
①Persons who work or live in Toyokawa. ②Persons who live or are planning to live together with their family in Toyokawa. ③Persons who face difficulty or necessity to search for a house. ④Persons whose income meets the standard prescribed by ordinance. ⑤Persons who do not belong to any crime syndicates, so-called Boryokudan. ⑥For 3DK housing, the residents have to be two (2) family members or more. ⑦For 4DK housing, the residents have to be four (4) family members or more. ⑧For Welfare Quota, aged household, household with a disabled person, single parent household, child-rearing household and so on.
Application: From October 1 to October 15. Fill in the application form and submit it directly to the Building Division (North Bldg. 4F). The application form is available at the Building Division (It can be downloaded from city website.).
Lottery: October 18 (Fri.) from 10:00 am at No.34 meeting room (Main Bldg. 3F) in Toyokawa City Hall.
Other: 1 guarantor and the deposit of 3-month rent are required at the time of contract.

(Room Type) (Name of Housing) (# of room availability (Welfare Quota))
3DK ZOSHI 1 (-)
4DK YAWATA 1 (-)
4DK UENO 2 (1)

※SUWA NISHI Jutaku has regulations for age and household composition.
※Among 3DK Housing, ZOSHI Jutaku is available for single person (person aged 60 years and older, or person with disabilities).
※For HIRAO, and CHIGIRI Jutaku, application is accepted at any time.

Building Division (Kenchiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2144

4. 給付金の手続きはお済みですか
Have you taken procedures for the benefit?

Since July, confirmation forms or application forms have been sent to persons who are regarded as eligible for the benefit. Submission deadlines are as follows for respective benefits. If you have not taken procedures yet, please do at your earliest convenience. For details, contact Toyokawa City Benefit Call Center.

Support Benefit for Resident Tax Exempted Household etc. (100,000 yen)
→ October 31 (Thu.)
Fixed-Sum Tax Reduction Supplementary Benefit (Adjusted Benefit)
→ October 31 (Thu.)
Additional Benefit for Child Rearing Household (50,000 yen per person)
→ November 15 (Fri.)

Toyokawa City Benefit Call Center (Toyokawa Shi Kyufukin Call Center)
Tel: 0533-95-0221

5. 児童手当を支払います
Child Allowance, Jido Teate will be paid

October payment quota (June to September) will be transferred to the designated bank account on October 7 (Mon.). The payment is NOT notified individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.

Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133

6. 市遺児の育成をはかる手当を支払います
Allowance for bringing up orphans will be paid (Municipal Orphan Allowance)

October payment quota (September to October) will be transferred to the designated bank account on October 15 (Tue.). The payment is NOT notified individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.

Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133

7. 私立高校と私立専修学校高等課程の授業料を補助
Subsidy for the tuition: for private high school and private advanced
vocational high school students

Eligibility: As of October 1, guardians who live in Toyokawa and pay the tuition for their child who goes to a (full) (part time) private high school or a private advanced vocational high school.
Amount of the subsidy: Granted based on the income.
Application: By November 29 (Fri.). Fill in the application form which is distributed at belonging school and submit it directly to the school or School Education Division (Otowa Branch Office 3F). Application form is also available at School Education Division.

School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-88-8033

Disaster Prevention Capacity Level-up Course “Disaster Prevention relies on Mutual Aid!”

Date and Hour: November 10 (Sun.) from 10:00 am to noon
Venue: Cultural Hall (Bunka Kaikan)
Content: A course in which person learns actual state of damaged area and its evacuation sites, introduction of toilet measures at evacuation sites, how to use “simple Japanese” in times of disaster
Eligibility: Those who are registered as Toyokawa Interpretation Volunteer for Disaster, Toyokawa Disaster Prevention Volunteer Coordinator, and persons who are interested in volunteerism
Capacity: 40 persons (First come, first served.)
Things to bring: Writing materials
Application: From October 8 (Tue.) by phone

Toyokawa International Association (Kokusai Koryu Kyokai)
Tel: 0533-83-1571

9. 秋に生じる体の不調「秋バテ」
Being out of shape “autumn fatigue”

In this season, summer fatigue has accumulated in the body, and sudden change in temperature and barometric pressure join with the beginning of autumn, often causing imbalance of autonomic nerves. As a result, various symptoms such as tiredness, lack of appetite, dizziness, sleeplessness appear, and the tendency is called “autumn fatigue”. To condition autonomic nerves, it is important to keep regular rhythm of life with balanced diet and sufficient sleep etc. Also, self-care is effective by taking care of yourself and increasing spontaneous recovery. Why don’ you start simple self-care in daily life on this occasion?

Health Center (Hoken Center)
Tel: 0533-89-0610

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  • 登録日 : 2024/10/01
  • 掲載日 : 2024/10/01
  • 変更日 : 2024/10/01
  • 総閲覧数 : 126 人
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