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Information from Toyokawa (豊川市からの情報)

1. 豊川市こぎつね教室 親子プレスクール
Kogitsune parent-child preschool

Toyokawa city Kogitsune Kyoshitsu is Japanese class for children living in Toyokawa with roots in other countries who do not have sufficient Japanese knowledge. Kogitsune Kyoshitsu holds parent-child preschool for children who will be elementary school 1st graders in next April and their guardians. It is a class in which children without any Japanese knowledge learn in parent-child unit and prepare for enrollment in elementary school.

Every Tuesday or Thursday from January 14 (Tue.) to April 3 (Thu.) (※Closed on national holidays)
From 4:10 pm to 5:00 pm
Kogitsune Kyoshitsu (Prio 5 F)
Eligible person:
Preschool children who have roots in other countries within 6 months prior to enrollment in elementary school and their guardians living in Toyokawa
10 couples for respective days (First come, first served.)
Where to apply:
International and Civic Activity Division (Shimin Kyodo Kokusai Ka) (Tel: 0533-89-2158)
Please bring your child’s residence card (Zairyu card).
Free of charge (Although the fee is free, 940 yen is necessary for insurance.)
Child needs to be accompanied by guardian. Guardian is asked to do drop-off and pick-up.

International and Civic Activity Division (Shimin Kyodo Kokusai Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2158

20-year-old gathering

January 12 (Sun.)
For person of Tobu, Chubu,Daida, Mito, Kozakai junior high school district, the reception desk opens at 10:00 am, and the ceremony starts at 10:30 am. For person of Nanbu, Seibu, Kanaya, Ichinomiya, Otowa junior high school district, the reception desk opens at 11:30 am, and the ceremony starts at noon.
Cultural Hall (Bunka Kaikan)’s main hall
Invitation letters are mailed to the persons who were born between April 2, 2004 and April 1, 2005 and have basic resident registration in Toyokawa as of October 1, 2024. Due to the reasons such as moving out of Toyokawa for work and school etc. or not having resident registration in spite of living in Toyokawa, persons without the invitation letter are also welcomed to attend the ceremony on the day.
There is entrance limitation with admittance only for eligible persons. For cars, please use parking No. 1, parking north side of Bunka Kaikan, parking of Shinmichi Koen (Not available in case of rain). Since the parking space is limited, sharing a ride, or using public transportation is recommended.

Lifelong Learning Division (Shogai Gakushu Ka)
Tel: 0533-88-8035

Child Rearing Allowance, Jido Fuyo Teate, will be paid

Child Rearing Allowance, Jido Fuyo Teate, will be transferred to the designated bank account on November 11 (Mon.). This time of the payment is for 2 months (September and October). The payment is NOT notified individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.

Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133

Supporting service to apply for My Number Card

For those who apply for My Number Card for the first time, supporting service is available such as taking a picture and application procedures. A small present is given to the person who applied in the period.
Date and Hour:
November 11 to November 15, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
AEON MALL Toyokawa 3F Komorebi Bridge (Shirotori Cho)

Civic Affairs Division (Shimin Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2272

Severer penalty for using smartphone while riding a bicycle or riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol

From November 1, road traffic law is revised and there will be severer penalty for using smartphone while riding a bicycle and riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol. To prevent serious accident, let us follow traffic rules.
Example of penalty
◆Using smartphone while riding a bicycle
Up to 6 months in prison, or fine of up to 100,000 yen etc.
◆Riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol
Up to 3 years in prison, or fine of up to 500,000 yen etc.

Human Rights and Community Safety Division (Jinken Seikatsu Anzen Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2149

Child abuse prevention month

November is the month for “Child Abuse Prevention.”
When you suspect that a child might get abused, or see a child who seems to have got abused, please call the following places.
・Just dial 189, the number dealing with abuse for Child Consultation Center. (Jido Sodanjo Gyakutai Taio Dial) (Around the clock, through the year)
・Special number for consultation of Child Consultation Center (Jido Sodanjo Sodan Sen-yo Dial) Tel: 0120-189-783 (Around the clock, through the year)
・Higashi Mikawa Children and People with Disabilities Consultation Center (Higashi Mikawa Jido, Shogaisha Sodan Center) Tel: 0532-54-6465 (From 8:45 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays)
・Toyokawa City Hall Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka) Tel: 0533-89-2133 (For weekend, national holiday, Year-End and New Year holidays or after work hour, call city hall’s night duty room. Tel: 0533-89-2111)

Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133

Save women from violence

Human rights campaign to save women from harm is held from November 12 to November 25. In this gender-equal society, violence to women from their husbands or partners such as DV, sex crime, stalking and so on, is the serious issue to get over. The city has established "Women's Concerns Consultation" for women who are worried. For details on how to make a reservation etc., please contact the Citizens' Consultation Room (Shimin Sodan Shitsu) (Tel: 0533-89-2104). Taking consultation is also available at Prefectural Consultation Center for Women Higashi Mikawa Branch Office (Tel: 0532-54-5111). Please consult without worrying alone.

Human Rights and Community Safety Division (Jinken Seikatsu Anzen Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2149

Autumn Fire Prevention Campaign

Nationwide Autumn Fire Prevention Campaign is held from November 9 to November 15. Let us have constant awareness about fire in daily life and try to make anti-arson environment. It is also recommended to have housing fire alarm and manage its maintenance for early fire detection and evacuation.
■Going to school in Happi coat
Children go to Hoiku-en (nursery school) and Yochi-en (kindergarten) in Happi coat with “Beware of fire” logo.
■Toyokawa City Fire Prevention Meeting
On November 8 (Fri.) from 2:00 pm at Cultural Hall (Bunka Kaikan)’s main hall, award’s ceremony etc. is held for persons who contributed to spreading the idea of fire prevention.
■Collection of old fire extinguisher
On November 8 (Fri.) from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, unnecessary domestic fire extinguishers are collected on Cultural Hall’s ground (Bunka Kaikan Shimin Hiroba). Collectable fire extinguishers are up to type 20, and collecting fee is about 1,000 yen/1 fire extinguisher. Spray type fire extinguishers are not collected.

Firefighting Headquarters Prevention Division (Shobo Honbu Yobo Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-9682

9. ワールドフェスティバル2024 〜つなげ未来へ!〜
World Festival 2024 “Connection to the future!”

Date and Hour:
December 8 (Sun.) from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
AEON MALL Toyokawa 1F South Court and others (Shirotori Cho)
International exchange cosplay competition, performance on stage, sale of savory food of other countries etc.

Toyokawa International Association (Kokusai Koryu Kyokai)
Tel: 0533-83-1571

10. 検診車によるがん検診(冬検診)
Cancer screening by medical screening car (Winter Term)

See city website or contact Health Center.
Name of Screening・Eligible Age:
・Tuberculosis/Lung cancer = 16 years and older
・Stomach cancer (Barium) = 44 years and older (Even number age)
・Colorectal cancer = 40 years and older
・Breast cancer (Mammography) = 40 years and older (Even number age/women)
・Cervical cancer = 20 years and older (Even number age/women)
・Prostate cancer = Between 50 and 70 years old (Even number age/men)
・Osteoporosis = 30 years and older
Person living in Toyokawa who is in the eligible age as of April 1, 2025 (Except person who has opportunity to take medical checkup at work etc.)
Free of charge
From November 6 (Wed.) on city website (First come, first served.). Application by phone is also available from November 7 (Thu.) (Tel: 0533-95-0075).
For those who applied, detailed notification will be mailed later. Person with free coupon ticket for breast cancer/cervical cancer screening (sent in June) can take screening regardless of age. Afternoon screening is available only for women.
※Depending on the schedule, childcare service may be available for 1year old to preschool child (First 10 persons).Those who desire are asked to apply for it by 1 week prior to the screening day.

Health Center (Hoken Center)
Tel: 0533-89-0610

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  • 登録日 : 2024/11/01
  • 掲載日 : 2024/11/01
  • 変更日 : 2024/11/01
  • 総閲覧数 : 85 人
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