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Frailty prevention class フレイル予防教室
- [Registrante]豊川市
- [Idioma]日本語
- [Área]愛知県 豊川市
- Fecha registrada : 2024/11/12
- Fecha de Publicación : 2024/11/12
- Fecha de cambio : 2024/11/12
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(053) 487-2121浜名湖オルゴールミュージアム
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(0561) 84-7474愛知県陶磁美術館
This time we would like to inform you about the "Frailty Prevention Class."
The purpose of this class is to learn about frailty, reflect on lifestyle habits based on health checkup results, and think about prevention and countermeasures.
[What is frailty?]
Frailty is the Japanese translation of the medical term "frailty," which refers to a state of frailty between being healthy and needing care, where the person is not sick but their muscle strength and mental and physical vitality decline with age, making them more likely to need care.
[Frailty Prevention Class]
Date and time: Every Tuesday from November 26th to December 17th (4 sessions in total) from 13:30 to 15:00
Venue:Labor Welfare Hall
Content: A course to learn frailty prevention methods by reviewing lifestyle habits based on health check results
Target: People aged 65 or older who live in the city and are motivated to take part in care prevention and can participate in classes on their own initiative
Capacity : About 20 people
Application: Applications will be accepted by phone on a first-come, first-served basis from 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 11th until Friday, November 15th.
*However, priority will be given to those who underwent a medical checkup in fiscal year 2024.
Course fee: Free
Other: Wear comfortable clothing
Items to bring: Tea or other beverage, towel, medical checkup results
For applications and inquiries, please contact Toyokawa City Hall, Elderly Care Division at 0533-89-2105.
Source: Toyokawa City Hall Nursing Care and Elderly Affairs Division
Tel :0533-89-2105
フレイルとは 医学用語である「frailty(フレイルティー)」の日本語訳で、病気ではないけれど、年齢とともに、筋力や心身の活力が低下し、介護が必要になりやすい、健康と要介護の間の虚弱な状態のことです。
日時:11月26日から12月17日までの毎週火曜日(全4回) 13時30分から15時0分まで
お申込み・お問合せ 豊川市役所介護高齢課 0533-89-2105
発信元:豊川市役所 介護高齢課
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