- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 爱知县陶磁资料馆は、陶磁史上における爱知の位置について、日本における最高级の窯业...
以降、日本やアジアを初めとする世界各地の様々なやきものの魅力を展覧会や関連催促事を通じて紹介してまいりました。コレクションは3点の重要文化財を含む7,020点 ( 平成27年3月末 ) となり、国内屈指の陶磁専門ミュージアムとして成长しております。
(0561) 84-7474愛知県陶磁美術館
- 该博物馆于1999年开放,收藏了约70件自动乐器的宝贵藏品。
在二楼大厅的定期演示中,可以欣赏到大钟的声音。屋顶的观景台可以看到哈马纳湖的360°个全景,每小时00点都会响起大钟。一楼有东海地区最大的音乐盒商店之一,销售各种音乐盒・,你还可以在手工作坊里制作自己的原创音乐盒。 伴随着美丽的风景,享受古代乐器的声音。
(053) 487-2121浜名湖オルゴールミュージアム
- 维护和传播真实的价值观。
(0568) 67-0314博物館 明治村
This time we will be informing you about the Welfare Consultation Center.
There are a total of 10 welfare consultation centers and branch offices in the city that provide consultation services for the elderly and others, where you can get advice on a variety of issues.
The branch offices are only open on weekdays, but the welfare consultation centers are open on Saturdays and Sundays.
[Each branch office]
Reception hours: 8:30-17:15 Business days: Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays and New Year holidays)
Tobu Welfare Consultation Center 0533-85-6110
Tobu Welfare Consultation Center Ichinomiya fire substation 0533-93-0801
Seibu Welfare Consultation Center 0533-88-8005
Seibu Welfare Consultation Center Otowa Branch Office 0533-88-5940
Seibu Welfare Consultation Center Mito Branch Office 0533-77-1502
Nambu Welfare Consultation Center 0533-89-8820
Nambu Welfare Consultation Center Kosaka Ii Branch Office 0533-78-4584
Hokubu Welfare Consultation Center 0533-88-7260
Hokubu Welfare Consultation Center Daita Branch Office 0533-89-8070
Hokubu Welfare Consultation Center Kanaya Branch Office 0533-85-6258
The following centers are available on Saturdays and Sundays.
(Excluding public holidays)
- First Saturday and the following Sunday → Eastern Welfare Consultation Center
- Second and fifth Saturday and the following Sunday → Southern Welfare Consultation Center
- Fourth Saturday and the following Sunday → Western Welfare Consultation Center
- Third Saturday and the following Sunday → Northern Welfare Consultation Center
◆Main consultation contents◆
Consultation on the use of nursing care insurance and welfare services, and application on behalf of others or assistance with applications
Advocacy for the rights of the elderly, abuse, and consumer damage
Consultation on dementia, nursing care methods, and admission to facilities
Consultation on concerns of families providing care, etc.
Source: Toyokawa City Hall Nursing Care and Elderly Affairs Division
Contact: kaigokorei@city.toyokawa.lg.jp
Tel :0533-89-2105
受付時間:8時30分〜17時15分 営業日:月曜日から金曜日(祝日・年末年始は除く)
東部福祉相談センター 0533-85-6110
東部福祉相談センター一宮出張所 0533-93-0801
西部福祉相談センター 0533-88-8005
西部福祉相談センター音羽出張所 0533-88-5940
西部福祉相談センター御津出張所 0533-77-1502
南部福祉相談センター 0533-89-8820
南部福祉相談センター小坂井出張所 0533-78-4584
北部福祉相談センター 0533-88-7260
北部福祉相談センター代田出張所 0533-89-8070
北部福祉相談センター金屋出張所 0533-85-6258
発信元:豊川市役所 介護高齢課
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