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Food poisoning in winter 冬の食中毒について

This is Informatin of Energetic Life.
This time we will be talking about food poisoning in winter.

When we think of food poisoning, we tend to think of summer, but food poisoning caused by norovirus is particularly prevalent in the winter.
Norovirus is easily transmitted to people and can easily cause large-scale food poisoning outbreaks, so caution is required.
Learn about the symptoms and routes of infection, and take proper precautions!

The incubation period is 1-2 days, and the main symptoms are abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Generally, recovery takes place within 2-3 days, but elderly people with weak resistance may develop severe symptoms.
In addition, the virus is excreted in stool for up to one month after symptoms have resolved.

(Infection prevention measures)
There is no effective vaccine against norovirus, and alcohol-based disinfectants are ineffective.
Take care of the following to avoid putting the virus in your mouth!
- To prevent infection from other people, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse them thoroughly with warm running water before eating, after using the toilet, and after cooking.
- Take care when disposing of feces and vomit from infected people.
- To prevent infection from food, cook processed ingredients thoroughly at 85°C or higher for at least 90 seconds.

Source: Toyokawa City Hall Nursing Care and Elderly Affairs Division
Tel :0533-89-2105





発信元:豊川市役所 介護高齢課

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