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1. 外国人市民を交えた防災訓練が開催されました
Disaster prevention drill was held with foreign residents
On November 17 (Sun.), 2024, disaster prevention drill was held in Kanazawa Town with foreign residents. In this drill, they did fire extinguishing training using water fire extinguishers. Furthermore, city officials gave a lecture on "Simple Japanese". In addition to evacuation drill, participants learned Japanese for communication between local residents and foreign nationals, and enhanced awareness of disaster prevention. If activities such as disaster prevention drill are held in your residential area, participate actively, and prepare for disasters.
International and Civic Activity Division (Shimin Kyodo Kokusai Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2158
2. 税の申告がはじまります
Tax filing will start
The final tax return of income tax for 2024 will start from February 17 to March 17 (Except weekends and national holidays. The venue is open for March 2 [Sun.]))., from 9:00am to 5:00pm. The venue is Toyohashi Tax Office. For tax returns at the Toyohashi Tax Office, numbered admission tickets will be distributed to avoid congestion. Depending on the distribution situation, you may be asked to come at a later date. In addition, please cooperate for submitting the tax return form on the Internet or by postal mail (For postal mail: Nagoya National Tax Agency Task Center Toyohashi Branch Office (Nagoya Kokuzeikyoku Gyomu Center Toyohashi Bunshitsu), address: 〒440- 8535, Toyohashi Shi, Daikoku-cho 111 [Toyohashi Tax Office]). For details, please see city website, or contact Municipal Tax Division (for municipal and prefectural resident tax) or Toyohashi Tax Office (for national taxes such as income tax).
Toyohashi Tax Office (Toyohashi Zeimusho)
Tel: 0532-52-6201
Municipal Tax Division (Shiminzei Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2129
3. 「書かない窓口」を始めます
“Counter without writing” starts its service
From January 20 (Mon.), regarding partial procedures at city hall and Health Center, “Counter without writing” starts its service to reduce visitor’s burden of handwriting. Before, visitors were asked to fill in application forms etc. by themselves, but staff will support the procedures by scanning information such as address, name, date of birth from My Number Card or driver’s license, or by asking the visitor for necessary information.
Eligible counter:
Civic Affairs Division, Insurance and Pension Division, Elder Care and Nursing Division, Disability Welfare Division, Child Rearing Support Division, Health Center, Municipal Tax Division, and Property Tax Division
Eligible procedures:
Procedures for moving, National Health Insurance, Child Allowance, certificate issuance etc.
Things to bring:
ID such as My Number Card, driver’s license, Zairyu card, and documents necessary for eligible procedures
When the counter is crowded, you may be asked to fill in application form etc.
Flow of procedures (Example):
(1) Confirm the person’s identity such as address, name, date of birth by using My Number Card etc.
(2) Visitor answers questions which were asked by staff, and provide other necessary information.
(3) Visitor confirms content of the application form with staff and signs
(4) Application is accepted, certificate is issued (Payment).
※Depending on procedures, there are items to fill partially in addition to signature.
Contact: Information Policy Division (Joho Seisaku Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2128
4. 小学校就学通知書・入学説明会
School Attendance Notification and Enrollment Seminar for New Elementary School Students
■School Attendance Notification (Shugaku Tsuchi Sho):
The notification will be mailed to the guardians of a new student in January who will enroll in elementary school in April 2025. Fill in the notification and submit it directly to the school which your child will go to by respective deadline. In case of changing the elementary school due to moving etc., please inform School Education Division about it in advance. The Division will issue a new notification, therefore, when you complete the transaction of changing address, please visit Child Rearing Support Division (Main Bldg. 1F) or School Education Division (Otowa Branch Office 3F).
■Enrollment seminar for new students (Nyugaku Setsumei Kai):
Enrollment seminar is held at each elementary school on February 6 (Thu.) 2025 in the morning. For the content, information letter will be mailed to you by the end of January.
Contact: School Education Division (Gakko Kyoiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-88-8033
5. 市営住宅入居者募集
Application for Municipal Housing, Shiei Jutaku
Available Housing:
UENO B (2DK)=1
UENO B (3DK)=1
UENO A (4DK)=2 (1 Welfare Quota)
※Among 3DK Housing, YAWATA A Jutaku is available for single person (person aged 60 years and older, or person with disabilities etc.).
※For HIRAO, and CHIGIRI Jutaku, application is accepted at any time.
Expected day of move-in:
April 1 (Tue.) 2025
Eligible applicants:
Persons who fulfill the following conditions.
1) Persons who work or live in Toyokawa.
2) Persons who live or are planning to live together with its family in Toyokawa.
3) Persons who are obviously facing financial difficulties to search for a house.
4) Persons who meet the income requirement.
5) Persons who do not belong to any crime syndicates, so-called Boryokudan.
6) For 3DK housing, the residents have to be a family of 2 persons or more (Some housing is available for single person.).
7) For 4DK housing, the residents have to be a family of 4 persons or more.
8) For Welfare Quota, aged household, household with a disabled person, single parent household, child-rearing household and so on.
From January 6 to January 17, 2025
Bring the designated application form to the Building Division directly (North Bldg. 4F). The application form is available at the Building Division (You can also download from city website.).
January 22 (Wed.) 2025 from 10:00 am at No.34 meeting room (Main Bldg. 3F).
1 guarantor and the deposit of 3-month rent are required at the time of contract.
Building Division (Kenchiku Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2144
6. 児童扶養手当を支払います
Child Rearing Allowance、Jido Fuyo Teate will be paid
Child Rearing Allowance, Jido Fuyo Teate will be transferred to the designated bank account on January 10 (Fri.), 2025. The payment of this time is for 2 months (November and December). The payment is NOT announced individually. Please check it with your bankbook etc.
Child Rearing Support Division (Kosodate Shien Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2133
7. 国民健康保険料の納め忘れはありませんか
Have you completed National Health Insurance premium payment?
National health insurance covers considerable part of medical expenses, and collected premium is the vital monetary resource for it so that insured persons can receive assured medication in times of illness and injury.
It is not only unfair to keep overdue premium payment for other payers but also too much overdue payment can be the cause of functional difficulties of the system. Please pay the insurance premium by the due date.
For insurance premium payment, bank account transfer is available. The application is accepted at financial institutions etc. in Toyokawa city. When you apply for bank account transfer, bring your insurance premium notification or receipt, bankbook and registered Inkan to the financial institution.
Insurance and Pension Division (Hoken Nenkin Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2118
8. 原動機付自転車や軽自動車などをお持ちの方へ
To person who owns a moped (Gentsuki) or a light vehicle (Kei Car)
Light vehicle tax (Type-based Imposition) is imposed on person who owns a moped or a light vehicle in Toyokawa city as of April 1. Even though you no longer own a vehicle physically due to ownership transfer or disaster etc., light vehicle tax will be imposed if necessary procedures are not taken for ownership transfer or vehicle scrapping. You must officially report any changes of ownership by the end of March. Since the counter is very crowded in March, we recommend that you report it at your earliest convenience.
Note: Registration offices differ depending on the type of vehicles.
Municipal Tax Division (Shiminzei Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2129
9. 豊川市ホームページをリニューアルします
Toyokawa city website is renewed
For improving accessibility to necessary information, city website is renewed.
January 30 (Thu.) (Planned)
Access to the website may not constantly be stable on the day.
URLs other than that of home page will change. If you register the sites of previous website with bookmark or as favorite site, please change registration content for the new website’s URL from January 30.
Secretarial Division (Hisho Ka)
Tel: 0533-89-2121
10. 予約制の地域巡回健診を実施します
Regional medical checkup with reservation is implemented
Additional group medical checkup is implemented for free for those who could not take the regional medical checkup of this fiscal year.
January 18 (Sat.) and January 22 (Wed.) (Only in the morning on 22 [Wed.])
Reception hour:
9:00 am, 9:30 am, 10:00 am in the morning, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:30 pm in the afternoon
Health Center (Hoken Center)
・Person who is insured by National Health Insurance (Kokumin Kenko Hoken) or the Late-Stage Medical Care System for the Elderly (Koki Koreisha Iryo Seido), and has medical checkup ticket (Jushinken)
・Person born between April 1, 1985, and April 1, 2009, who has no chance of medical checkup at school or workplace
・Person whose household is on welfare
Medical consultation, blood pressure / physical measurement, urine / blood test, and tuberculosis / lung cancer screening
65 persons for respective occasion (First come, first served.)
Reservation in advance is required. Make a reservation with one of the following ways.
1. Reservation on city website from January 8 (Wed.) 8:30 am
2. Apply directly or by phone to Health Center (Hoken Center) (Tel: 0533-95-0075) from January 9 (Thu.).
When the number of applications combined 1 and 2 reaches the capacity, it is the end of reservation acceptance.
Health Center (Hoken Center)
Tel: 0533-89-0610
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