- 当地商业的『城市指南』
- 维护和传播真实的价值观。
(0568) 67-0314博物館 明治村
- 该博物馆于1999年开放,收藏了约70件自动乐器的宝贵藏品。
在二楼大厅的定期演示中,可以欣赏到大钟的声音。屋顶的观景台可以看到哈马纳湖的360°个全景,每小时00点都会响起大钟。一楼有东海地区最大的音乐盒商店之一,销售各种音乐盒・,你还可以在手工作坊里制作自己的原创音乐盒。 伴随着美丽的风景,享受古代乐器的声音。
(053) 487-2121浜名湖オルゴールミュージアム
- 爱知县陶磁资料馆は、陶磁史上における爱知の位置について、日本における最高级の窯业...
以降、日本やアジアを初めとする世界各地の様々なやきものの魅力を展覧会や関連催促事を通じて紹介してまいりました。コレクションは3点の重要文化財を含む7,020点 ( 平成27年3月末 ) となり、国内屈指の陶磁専門ミュージアムとして成长しております。
(0561) 84-7474愛知県陶磁美術館
This time, we will inform you about how to prevent becoming a victim of special fraud.
There have been many cases of special fraud in the city, and warning calls have been coming in every day, so please be careful.
The best way to protect yourself is to not answer calls from criminals.
Make sure your home landline is set to answering machine at all times.
■Things to keep in mind when answering the phone
・Even if someone claims to be a police officer or city hall employee, don't believe them straight away. Hang up the phone and call the facility's main phone number again to confirm.
・Even if they claim to be a relative such as your son or nephew, don't give them the name of your son or nephew. Ask "Who is that?" to get them to tell you the name themselves.
・No matter who the caller is, if they mention money or your cash card, suspect a scam, hang up the phone and call a number you know to confirm.
If you receive a suspicious phone call or visit, do not respond alone. Instead, consult with your family, the police ( Toyokawa Police station 0533-89-0110), or your city hall.
In order to prevent the victim of specialized fraud, Toyokawa City subsidizes part of the purchase cost of landline phones with automatic pre-call warning and call recording functions for elderly people.
For more information, please contact Toyokawa City Hall, Citizen Affairs Department, Human Rights and Public Safety Division (Tel: 0533-89-2149).
Source: Toyokawa City Hall Nursing Care and Elderly Affairs Division
Contact: kaigokorei@city.toyokawa.lg.jp
Tel :0533-89-2105
不審な電話や訪問には、一人で応じず、家族や警察(豊川警察署 0533-89-0110)、市役所の窓口に相談しましょう。
くわしいことは、豊川市役所 市民部 人権生活安全課(電話:0533—89—2149)へ、お問い合わせください。
発信元:豊川市役所 介護高齢課
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